Trismegistos [TM] is an interdisciplinary platform that aims to collect all textual sources from the ancient western world. The chronological boundaries are 800 BCE to 800 CE, although some earlier and later material is included. For these texts from any genre, language or writing surface, basic metadata is provided, with the addition of links to other projects where more information can be found. TM also functions as a gazetteer and provides persistent identifiers (TM numbers) for texts, collections, ancient people and personal names, places, archives, et cetera...

The TM database currently contains over 900,000 text records, identifies about 5,000 collections and some 50,000 ancient places linked to these texts. Additionally, TM offers more than 500,000 attestations of individuals, linked to almost 35,000 different names. The Leuven Database of Ancient Books (LDAB), currently contains over 5,000 ancient author and more than 10,000 works by those authors. The expansion of these sections, e.g. to fragmentarily preserved authors and to Christian authors, is planned with the help of partners in literature and theological studies.

At this moment, Trismegistos has adopted a subscription system which allows registered institutions (100 universities have already subscribed) and users access to advanced search and visualisation functionalities. Our data, however, remains Open Access and can be consulted at

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Sección Filología Medieval del Instituto de Filología Clásica, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
Puan 480 4° piso, C1406CQJ
Buenos Aires
+54 11 5287-2856

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